We want to shout out our newest official addition to our coaching squad Kenneth Tadeo.

We throw it back to 7 years ago. Kenneth got hit by a car as he was crossing the street. He was rushed to the hospital and was in a coma for 5 weeks. At the time he was one of my avid guys who would come out to our weekend workouts.
This guy had to rebuild his life from scratch. He had to re-learn how to walk, talk, articulate and do everything we all take for granted cause we do it on a daily basis.
Before HSC was even an idea there was the “SQUAD” and with that we threw him a fundraiser to help him along his comeback quest.
Fast forward to this past December and I ran into him at a 49er game. We talked it up and he mentioned how he really wanted to work at HSC as a coach but the drive was far.
I looked at him and said, “My coaching staff is hungry AF. We don’t let anything get in the way of our goals. How hungry are you Kenneth?”
He paused and thought and said “I’m fucking starving coach.”
The next week he started interning with us.
Just recently we brought him on board to be an official Assistant Coach where he will now have the opportunity to build his own clientele both remotely and in person once conditions permit.
He continues to go beyond each day for our members and he’s a shining example of what it takes to “take back your life.”
Who else better to coach people to push beyond their own expectations than someone who is a living, breathing embodiment of the very thing people who reach out to us want to do.
His story will inspire many and help even more. We will do everything we can to make sure you reach your fullest potential as a coach. We appreciate you being a part of our squad. Here’s to the next level!
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